Repeat prescriptions

To request a repeat prescription you need to pass a request into reception or order online. As of March 2015 we now use Electronic Prescription Services (EPS). This means that prescriptions will be signed electronically by the doctor and sent automatically to a nominated chemist of your choice. To opt out or change your chemist nomination, please liaise with a member of the reception staff.

Please do not leave comments when ordering prescriptions as manager do  not always receive these request. 

To avoid error and confusion we cannot accept verbal requests for repeat medication over the telephone except in the case of the elderly, infirm or housebound patients. All telephone requests for repeat prescriptions should be made after 2pm. Except for exceptional circumstances repeat prescriptions take 48 working hours to process.

All requests must now be made via one of the following:

By using the appropriate computer slip, ticking each item required, and handing it in to a receptionist

By posting/faxing the appropriate computer slip, stating clearly the items required. All requests made by post should allow extra time for requests to be processed.

Via the MyGP app or by emailing the surgery at

Children under 16 years of age cannot collect prescriptions. If there is any doubt whatsoever as to the age of the person collecting a prescription the reception staff may ask for prove of age.


  • Mon - Please pick up on Wed after 2:00pm
  • Tues – Please pick up on Thursday after 2:00pm
  • Wed – Please pick up on Friday after 2:00pm
  • Thurs – Please pick up on Monday after 2:00pm
  • Fri – Please pick up on Tuesday after 2:00pm