
Hypertension Clinic (High Blood Pressure)

This clinic deals with the investigation and management of high blood pressure.

For most people with high blood pressure the chances are it has no definite cause and may run in the family. This is called ‘essential hypertension’ and can usually by managed by your own practice nurse/doctor.

However, some people have high blood pressure which is severe or difficult to control, or which is related to an underlying medical condition - this is called ‘secondary hypertension’. Some people may have experienced side effects from medicines used to treat it.

Our Hypertension Clinic assesses whether or not you need investigations both to uncover the cause of your high blood pressure and to detect any harmful effects it may have had. A treatment plan is then formulated which may include particular combinations of medicines and be jointly supervised by your GP surgery. A healthy lifestyle is very important too.

What you can expect

Your weight, height and blood pressure will be recorded by the clinic nurse. Afterwards you may be asked to have blood tests.